December 2013

Already in December! The end of the year is soon here! And a  new beginning in a few weeks! What blessings!

December began with a heat wave and pollution so thick you could slice it with a dull knife. And then... overnight, the skies wore their Egyptian winter blue with puffs of white clouds, and a timid sun peeking through. The temperature dropped about ten degrees and the nights have become cool. The sunrises and the sunsets have also been simply magical and beautiful!!

Cairo sunset in December

What is new? The solar drying process has slowed down a bit too, as we wait for the oranges and tangerines to ripen and the strawberries to become sweeter. But I was busy making marmalade, pink grapefruit grown on our land and pomegranate juice marmalade. 

Why is it marmalade and not jam or jelly?  A serious question that can turn into a heated discussion especially with the Brits.  Well to settle the matter, I consulted Wikipedia, two dictionaries and Fun Trivia and came up with these definitions:

Jelly is made from fruit juice and has NO pieces of fruit in it. It is usually clear.

Jam is made from fruits and may or may not contain fruit pieces.

Marmalade is usually a citrus-based jam which contains pieces of fruit AND rind which gives it this slightly bitter taste. While researching the question,  I realized that the term marmalade has been controversial since the 16th century. I found a link that takes back the origin of the word to the times when a  doctor treated Mary Queen of Scots, for seasickness by mixing crushed sugar with oranges. The story infers the term marmalade is a derivation of "Marie est malade," a French phrase meaning Mary is ill. Other historians think it comes from the Portugese word for quince: marmelo, hence marmalade. I like both stories about the origin of the word, and I also really like the taste of our new Pink Grapefruit and Pomegranate Marmalade. But do read on to find out more by clicking on the above link.

We have a fresh batch of solar dried tomatoes that are just perfectly red and taste great!

Please consult our updated Products and Price List as we have ran out of a few items such as strawberries, melons and watermelons.

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