The Slice September 2012

The Slice
September 2012 Issue

September! Summer vacation is winding down and a new school year is about to start. Schools will be opening their doors and parents will begin to prepare lunch boxes.  It is time to stock up on Minnie’s Dried Fruits & Vegetables for the kids’ lunch boxes and your own too!

The Slice will be emailed to you unless you choose to read it on our blog Cut and Dried. We hope you engage and comment by subscribing to Cut and Dried. And we encourage you to try some of our recipes that use Minnie’s Dried Fruits & Vegetables. Give us your feedback on those your try!

What's New This Month...

Dates: September is the month of dates. The weather is still hot, allowing the dates to ripen. The palm trees in Dahshour are beautiful with their heavy bounty of ripening dates that are turning from green to red, or dark brown or golden yellow. And we, at Minnie’s, have begun to pit and dry these luscious dates. They will be available the third week of September.
Fruit Rolls: made from the 100% natural fruit juice of the mangos or the strawberries, with no preservatives or additional coloring. They come in packages of five pieces individually wrapped and are great snacks at school, at work or at home.

Did You Know...

Dates are a great source of fibers, anti-oxidants, and minerals? They are rich in potassium, magnesium, copper and calcium. You can snack on them  whole, or cut them up and add them to your morning cereal, or to your cake batter. They are delicious served with fresh cream too.



Please help us continue to grow. When you get a chance, like Minnie's Dried Fruits and Vegetables on Facebook and go ahead and subscribe to our blog Cut and Dried!


  1. Minnie's will be at the NUN Center Farmer's Market on Sep 15 from 10 am to 3 pm. At 4 Shafik Mansour st. Zamalek.

  2. Take a look at this website:
