Why are Solar Dried Fruits & Vegetables a better choice now more than ever?

Why are Solar Dried Fruits & Vegetables  
a better choice now more than ever?

The world is going through uncertain times at the moment self isolation, masks covering faces, home schooling, working from home, gatherings banned. A virus is causing havoc everywhere and people are rushing to the stores to stock up on all sorts of things from staples to fresh food and household goods. What better time is it to talk about dried fruits and dried vegetables? About their benefits and their uses, the ease to store them and to use them. 

Let me explain the ecologically friendly drying process we use. We have adapted an ancient method of drying- using the sun's energy and have added to it a simple technology, a solar panel.

The process of solar drying uses low temperatures to remove the water that is inside the cells of the products, this causes the cell to shrink when the water is removed while the cell wall remains intact.

  • Dried fruits and dried vegetables  retain most of their nutritional value
  • Rehydrating them will fill in the cells again, however they may not regain their original size
  • Dried Fruits and dried vegetables are stored in a cupboard away from direct light and are available to use immediately: no defrosting, no heating, no peeling, no cutting or preparing
  • Add the dried fruits to your favorite cereal, plain yogurt or dress up a salad 
  • Make your own vegetable broth using dried vegetables or just add a spoonful to any soup, sauce or marination for a more intense natural flavor
  • Dried fruits and vegetables are healthy foods because they are dried with no sugar added and no preservatives nor taste and color enhancers.

dried fruits egypt #driedfruitsegypt

dried vegetables egypt #driedvegetablesegypt

March 17, 2020

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